Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Deadlift Wednesday

Pulled again with the normal Wednesday crew

635x1, pretty easy
675 x .80 - I continue to pull heavy weights closer to lockout and not be able to finish, any suggestions?
525+80 in chains 3x1
575+80 in chains x 1, one of the hardest things I've ever done in the weight room

Farmer's walk holds (weights are in each hand)
231#x 30 sec
375# x 3.69 seconds
325#x 22 seconds
375# w/ straps x 19 seconds

Kaz Shrugs
585 2x30



  1. Shot in the dark on the deads. I've been using deficit deads off a small platform for triples. For whatever reason, when I switch back to standard, lockout is a breeze. Maybe it's just a faster pull off the floor, or moving back to a shorter pull, but it seems to work. Of course, I'm only pulling in the 4's so it may do nothing for you. Either way, great work. It's inspiring to follow your training. You're a beast, my friend.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Steve,
    I've done deficit deads before but they seemed kinda counter productive for me because I have great speed off the floor, so when I was pulling 585 I maxed out on deficit deads and pulled 575. I do enjoy the longer pull aspect of it and I have often wondered if my nervous system is just not built to fire for that long of a movement without a stretch reflex to help it. That's why sometimes I'll do some eccentric tempo reps with rack pulls. I do think that I will start a real heavy rack pull + bands cycle here soon.
    Stay strong brother
