Friday, December 18, 2009


So this week has been finals week, thus the disorganization of my updates.

5x1 benching went well, i got to put my shirt on again!
hit 365 off a 2 board and it flew up
385 off a 1 board...made it look stupid
405 off my chest was like nothing
415, the first one I jacked my shirt up and hit 415 real easy,
the second one I didn't jack my shirt and it was more of a struggle.

The 5x1 bench work out signified my 100th work out in the past 6 weeks. Wow how the time has flown so Ben, my training partner brought an ice cream cake from DQ and we took a good healthy bit of that cake down, that really messed up our 2nd work out, jerks and log press

5x5 lower today,
SSB squats to a 12 in box 505 5x5
did a lot of back work in my 2nd work out
3rd work out did some snatch grip RDLs....good stuff

Finals is over so I am half way done with my masters degree!

1 comment:

  1. congrats man on getting to the halfway point and all the crazy sessions! nice work!

    Happy Holidays!
    rock on
    Mike T Nelson
