Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 1 Phase 1...

Day one of Bulgarian Burst is finished. I just finished my 3rd and final work out of the day and I am spent. I worked in Ridder arena today so there wasn’t much going on which was nice because I got to get my work outs in with little to no distractions. I took my pre-work out drink (JP8) around 10:30, this shit is so nasty that I have to stand over a toilet or trash can to drink it. However, it gets me going like nothing else, so I guess I’ll continue to drink it. I started my first lift at 10:50 this morning, it started with Incline bench paired with barbell shrugs, 5x8 for all of them. This was a lot tougher than I thought it would be, I haven’t done anything more than a set of 5 reps for a long time so 8 reps was kinda a-robic for me. The whole time I was benching I was burping up JP8, drinking that shit is bad enough one time that I don’t like to have to drink it down again and again. After my incline bench I went over and did DB bench press, paired with DB Shrugs. This time my eyes were bigger than my muscles, I benched with 90s for my first set and after I got done with that I thought to myself there is no way I’m going to be able to do 4 more sets of those. So I went down to 70s which turned out to be just right. When I finished that superset I did DB incline fly and Gopher U abs. I finished my lift around 11:30 right on time. I was all sorts of jacked up, feeling like a true superbeast.

I drank a protein shake and started my next lift at 12:10 with DB Push press, I used 60s and probably should have used 65s – 70s. I paired those with one of my favorite bicep exercises, DB Preacher Hammer curls, again I probably should have used more weight for those. After my 5x8 of those exercises I moved on to DB Military press and standing DB curls. It was interesting that I could have used more weight for almost everything in my 2nd work out. It’s crazy how much that 40 min. of rest really helps. After my military’s and curls I did Arnold Press and concentration curls. This about floored me gritting my teeth on every one of those Arnolds. I was glad to be done with my second work out. Once that was done I ate a spinach salad with various other goodies in it.

Work got done early today and I was able to get home around the same time as my wife which is always nice. She went off to the tanning bed and I got my 3rd work out in. I did the Perfect Push up and sit ups, close grip push ups and sit ups with a twist; and then regular push ups and side to side toe touches. I felt I needed to put more push ups in my work out beings there is an Army PT test coming up soon. The regular push ups were the hardest part, with no surprise after doing 100 of the other types of push ups. However I did see my heart rate getting up to around the 115 range.

Overall after the first day of Bulgarian Burst training I feel pretty good, I defiantly will be going to bed around 9 though to prepare for back squats, RDLs and Leg presses tomorrow. As for now, it’s time to make supper; it’s going to be taco night at the Miller’s.

Stay Strong

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