Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bench, Log Press + Acc Pressing

2 work outs today, they both went well....

1st Work Out
Bench Press
365x1 - killed it
405x0 - crushed :(
355 1+1 x 4
Paired With
3 way neck 75# x 12
I am done doing the forward neck part of 4 way neck, it hurts and it's not fun, if you can think of a better reason for me to do it then let me know, until then I won't do it.

Cable Cross over

2nd Work Out at Dave O's place with Joel D.
Log Press
220x1 clean 2 press
262x1, sloppy
Lots of technique tips
262x1 killed it
286x1 new PR,
I credit the technique, I was letting my arms extend out of the hole when the log was on my lap, I kept it in and the roll up my belly/chest turned to be real easy, that means more energy for the press
262 x 2

Inverted row with the fat bar

Strict Press with cowboy bar
185 x 8

Tate Press (found out how to do these right)
35 x 12
45 2x12

Band Pull apart + Band Tri Push Down + Hammer curls w/65#
- hammer curls were by 8 not 20

While trying to educate one of the interns today about how to finally get over 200# another intern questioned my knowledge by telling me that he searched for what I was talking about in the U of M research articles archives and he didn't find anything. That's bull shit. Just because there hasn't been a research article written on it doesn't mean it doesn't work and it's not right. The strongest humans in the world do a lot of things there isn't a lot of research on, especially in the west. There are countless little things that the Chinese weightlifting team does that isn't researched, but if they continue to rule the world of Olympic Weightlifting I will continue to try and learn as much about them as I can.

Sometimes you need to put all the science down and move heavy weight!

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