Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Conjugate Method

So I've never trained at Westside, nor have I really hardcore followed the conjugate system but I understand it. I get the picture and I can understand the difference between the max effort method, the dynamic effort method and the repetition method. The problem I see is that people on the interwebz look at videos from westside and Elitefts and look for the best possible max effort movement for their style of lifting. Whether it's shirted bench, single ply squat or raw deadlifts.....Your not doing it right!!!

The conjugate method, especially the westside version of it, (No, westside did not invent it, Louie even says he didn't) is designed to work your weak points, the specific lifters weak points. These weak points are different for everyone and such max effort movements should be different for everyone. For instance, I have a weak lock out on my deadlifts, I can pull anything off the ground but locking it out stalls, max effort movements for me would include deadlifts with chains, rack pulls etc. A lot of people have weak pulls from the ground, max effort movements for them would include deficit pulls, good mornings etc.

Yes I am not blind enough to see there are many max effort movements that help the entire movement and improve on multiple weaknesses, but the point is to find YOUR weakness and improve that. Your only as strong as your sticking point!

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